A little paint goes a long way!

Monday, November 1, 2010

DADD--I need meds!!

Happy All Saints Day!! (Is that really a happy occasion?) I guess it's better to be a saint than a goblin right? After all, you get those beautiful flowing robes to disguise extra pounds, a halo and maybe even some wings (err, that is if you're an angel) OK I'm confusing myself!! In honor of All Saints Day, I'd like to dedicate this blog to St. Jude--the patron saint of  lost causes. What? Does that sound too negative? OK then, how about St. Anthony--patron saint of miracles. Yeah, we'll go with that. 'Cuz I'm starting to think it will take a flippin' miracle for me to make significant progress on this project! Not only do I seem to be time-challenged these days, but I also am battling a very serious disorder. Prayers and intercessions are appreciated.

Even St. Anthony can't get away from the durn Legos!

We're among friends right? I have something very difficult to talk about. I decided to start this blog as a way to recapture my sanity. So, it's only through talking about my issues that I have any chance of healing. Ya with me? 

...Hello. My name is Kelli and I have Decorating Attention Deficit Disorder (DADD for short). It's a serious disorder and it's quite debilitating. When I put my decorating hat on, nothing is safe in my house. NOTHING. My brain tends to go into hyper drive and I scrutinize every square inch of my house. Every. Square. Inch. It's enough to drive a person insane. And when you're not all together anyway--well let's just say it's downright SCARY!! My poor husband.

So, as I'm searching the bargain bins for my bedroom project, I can't help but get all caught up in the other areas of my house that drive me to distraction (I know...it's more of a putt than a drive. It's not my fault 'member...DADD) As I searched for the  cheapest  perfect window treatments for my bedroom, the patron saint of clearance racks pointed me to lovely $7 window panels that would be PERFECT in my dining room. I mean PERFECT. I fell in love. Really. That good. And the price? Yeah. Like I said. PERFECT. Thank you St. WalMart! I followed the call and bought them, telling myself that I would start on the dining room as soon as the bedroom is complete. Well, that's usually when my sickness really kicks in. Add a little impatience and... 

My bedroom makeover project is SSSSLLLLLOOOOOOWWWLLYYY  progressing. And there's really nothing exciting to talk about. I mean, talking about it is about as exciting as watching paint dry. And I've been doing a lot of that lately. Primer. Paint. Poly. The 3 "P"s of my life right now as I tackle these  stupid  lovely Craig's List night stands. I think they are done. Unless I decide to put yet another coat of polyurethane on them. To be continued...

So I had to tackle something for a little project satisfaction this weekend since there really is no cure for DADD. With Mike's help, I transformed our dining room with some fab window treatments!

Our windows look the same as they did when we moved in--basically, a long piece of fabric thrown over the top with some embellishments added to make them look like I thought about it for more than a minute. The disgusting economical vinyl miniblinds had seen better days and I vowed the last time I cleaned them in 2008 not long ago that I would never do that again!

Notice that I didn't zoom in too close!

I've become obsessed with bamboo shades lately (I think they really warm up a space) and just knew these would be perfect in the dining room. I used some of my gold-selling proceeds to buy these very affordable window shades, topped them with a $5 wrought iron curtain rod I bought on clearance at Big Lots a few years ago, adorned it with my GORG new drapery panels and...


I'm in LOVE!!

I mean really? Can you just STAND it??

I can't quit staring at them! One of these days I'll be looking at something very similar in my KelliCave. (Just a hint of what's to come!)

Later this week I should have my new black nightstands and a pair of CUSTOMized  bookcases to show you. And, if St. Anthony really intercedes on my behalf...a beautiful dresser and chest of drawers to oooh and awwww over!

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